Halloween Costume ideas 2015

How to cook an incredibly tasty steak?

How to cook an incredibly tasty steak?

Steak is a world-famous dish that implies a thick piece of meat, usually cut out from a cow�s carcass, which is roasted on a grill or frying pan in a quality and specific way.

According to some experts, this steak can only be obtained from beef, because it can have several degrees of roasting, from which the taste of the whole dish changes dramatically.

If this dish is prepared from another type of meat, then it will definitely be clarified - pork steak, salmon steak and so on. Despite the fact that the dish in question is considered to be quite expensive, since only about 10% of the whole animal�s carcass can be used to make it, it is one of the most popular and well-loved by many recipes for cooking meat.

It is believed that the country that gave the world such an exquisite and tasty dish is America, because it was there that created the real cult of the steak, in addition, it is an important part of their national cuisine.

It is in America that standards are recognized and actively applied that affect the selection of meat for steaks, as well as strict rules that dictate how to care for cattle, the conditions of slaughter and maintenance.

So, if you want to try a real steak, then you should definitely go to the USA for this business. But, it turns out, in order to try out this dish, it is not necessary to go somewhere, it is enough to learn how to cook a delicious beef steak or, for example, pork.

There is an opinion that not everyone will be able to cope with this task, because this requires certain culinary skills and specific knowledge.

It is important not to overdry meat

Naturally, in order to cook a real steak, you must adhere to a certain set of rules, because this dish is not just a fried piece of meat.

But at the same time, if you arm yourself with high-quality products and some theoretical knowledge that you can learn in our article, then there will be a quality and delicious steak on your table! Let's understand what the secrets of cooking such a seemingly simple, but at the same time, mysterious dish.

The first thing you need to understand for yourself is the fact that the taste of the final dish, in the majority, depends on the quality and freshness of the products used, in our case, this product is meat.

How to choose meat for steak?

Although it is quite difficult to deal with raw meat, we will give you an example of a few simple rules, based on which you will not make a mistake in your choice.

Remember that quality products can not be cheap, so always focus on the average price.

To begin with, inspect the meat visually: in order to get the steak juicy and tender, choose a piece that will show thin strands of fat.

Do not be afraid, they will melt during frying, but the meat will turn out to be saturated, and if the layer remains somewhere, you can remove it after frying.

For those who are not afraid to get better

The color of these veins should be white, yellow shade says about the ignorance of the meat or that the animal was old, and therefore the meat will be tough. One of the main points of meat is the structure of its fibers, for the success of the business they must be thin and rather dense, but unstable.

The next point is the color, for example, it is important that the beef is a dark red hue, the lamb is light red, but the pork is pink.

The older the animal, the darker the meat, so try not to take such pieces for your dish. At the same time, a good steak will not turn out from pale and watery meat, since during frying it will release a lot of juice and decrease in size several times, becoming solid.

And the last moment is the maturity of the meat: for the steak to succeed, it is necessary that the beef be hung for about 2-4 weeks before it can be fried, but the pork is literally steamy for this dish.

To check the maturity of the meat, press with the index finger on a piece of meat, if the dent has remained and the birch trees have returned to their place for a while, then the meat is fresh and mature. In other cases, it is better to avoid such products.

The secrets of cooking delicious steak

Before you begin the process of frying, it is necessary to understand for yourself that there are several degrees of roast steak meat. Among them there are three main and most popular options:

  • well-done (absolutely roasted, practically without juice, t = 70 � -100 �),
  • medium (medium degree of roasting with an inner light pink juice, t = 60 � -65 �),
  • rare (meat with blood, fried only outside and red inside, t = 49 � -55 �).
Naturally, everyone chooses for himself exactly the option that suits him best in taste, but it is believed that the most correct option is the medium roasting.

At home, it is harder to cook such a dish, because meat can sprinkle. To do this, be sure to dry the steaks before sending them to the pan.

It is important to clarify the moment of defrosting: of course, it�s good if you instantly fry a piece of meat brought from the market, but if you got it out of the freezer, it is important to defrost it correctly, so as not to damage the integrity of the fibers.

The best option is to leave the frozen piece for a day in the fridge, during which time it will have time to be defrosted without affecting its taste.

In the microwave or in hot water, thaw meat on a steak categorically not rivers It is recommended, since even in the process of thawing, the upper layers begin to prepare, which is why it is then difficult to achieve even cooking.

How to cook a juicy steak in the oven and in a pan?

  • Cut the meat into large enough pieces - about 7 cm in length, 3-4 cm in width.
  • Pre slices of raw steak should be marinated - in wine, in soy sauce, you can add spices, for example, mustard powder for softness, herbs - for flavor. Do not be afraid to overdo it with spices, the more herbs, the better the meat will smell. Experts are constantly arguing about pepper and salt, some of them believe that it is better to add them already in the plate on the finished piece, and some prefer to salt and pepper at the level of marinating. We chose the second option, so the meat gets a richer taste.
  • Before putting the pieces in the pan, smear them with vegetable oil, so they will burn less and splash. It is also important to remember that the pan is initially heated to the limit, and only then we spread the meat.
  • On a hot skillet, fry 1 minute on each side, then reduce the heat and heat the meat for about 5-6 minutes on each side for complete cooking. To meat came, you can put it in the oven for just a couple of minutes, or just leave on a warm frying pan for 5-10 minutes. If you want to get a version of the steak with blood, then you need to fry it only for a couple of minutes on each side, and then let it walk for a few more minutes on the stove.

What to do with meat steak?

Best of all steaks are combined with red sauce, grilled vegetables, pickled and pickled vegetables, baked potatoes and greens. Enjoy your meal!

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