Halloween Costume ideas 2015
February 2019

Strict diets and their negative effects

Improper diet for a long time leads to excess weight in the form of fat deposits on the sides, abdomen. When he begins to cause inconvenience and distort the proportions of the body, many think about losing weight. All sorts of strict diets, starvation, separate meals, endless fasting days, which lead the body into a state of stress, are used. Indeed, limiting yourself in food, you can throw up to five kilograms per week. However, body fat will not disappear, and the risk of exacerbation and development of various diseases will increase.

Why diets do not help?

Before embarking on a diet for weight loss, you should understand the physiology of the human body, in order to further avoid the return of extra pounds.

The need for the correct ratio of BZHU

For normal metabolism, the body needs to receive three major nutrients, each of which performs its function. By eliminating one of the elements from the daily diet, you deprive yourself of vitamins and many nutrients. Strict diets

Proteins perform a building function, thanks to them muscle tissue grows, skin regeneration, hair and nail growth grows. Proteins transport many micronutrients into cells, as well as enhance immune defense. These are just a small part of the vital tasks that protein structures perform;
Fats are part of the cells, they are responsible for the nervous system, transmitting impulses to the brain. Vitamins D, A, E, which affect the elasticity of the skin, youth are dissolved in fats. And most importantly - they are a source of irreplaceable fatty acids of the Omega group;

Carbohydrates - the main source of energy that allows the body to work without failures. They increase endurance, improve performance, allow you to build muscle mass. But their excess without physical exertion can lead to fullness.
Strict diets often imply the complete elimination of one or several elements of BJU, which leads first to weight loss and then to a slower metabolism, as well as to a number of diseases of the digestive tract, kidneys, liver and cardiovascular system. Since you do not get the right amount of nutrients, and weight loss occurs dramatically, your skin becomes loose and saggy, dryness appears, hair and nails become brittle. You will feel tired, irritable, and the feeling of hunger will become a faithful companion. Once you return to your usual way of life, as overweight will immediately return.

Feature of fat cells

Genetically, in every human body there are fat cells. Excess energy from high-calorie food is processed into fat and fills our �special� cells with it. Men due to hormonal characteristics and increased physical activity are less susceptible to obesity, therefore women suffer the most. The growth of body fat occurs over a long time. If you go on a hunger strike or go on a mono-diet, the body will begin to experience stress and slow down metabolic processes. As soon as you return to normal diet, it will accumulate more fat, so that in the event of regular restrictions do not experience a lack of energy.

The vicious circle can be broken by going to a balanced fractional diet enriched with BJU. At the same time, it is enough to reduce the daily energy value of food by 500 kcal below the standard you need. Do not forget about the sport, so that the body is not just lost weight, but remains elastic, and the muscles are taut. Dramatic weight loss is harmful to health, so the slower you burn fat, the better the result. Having finally changed your lifestyle, you will forget about completeness forever!

What distinguishes proper nutrition from diet?

Everyone can eat right - what do you need for this?

Please note that a balanced diet aimed at losing weight or gaining muscle mass, can also be called a diet, but at the same time refer to varieties of proper nutrition. After all, the main thing that distinguishes proper nutrition from the usual diets, this diversity and the optimal ratio of nutrients, selected depending on the age, weight and physical activity of a person.

Basics of proper nutrition

Food variety - you can eat any vegetables, fruits, cereals, meat, as well as any dairy products with a fat content of not more than 3.5% for cottage cheese, kefir or yogurt and not more than 9% for milk;

Regular eating four or five times a day in small portions, no more than 350 g. It is advisable to observe an equal period of time in order to develop a conditioned reflex in the stomach. So food will be better digested and absorbed by the body;
Calorie compliance. The daily rate for men and women with normal weight and average activity according to the Institute of Nutrition is about 1800-2000 kcal. If you suffer from excess weight, then you need to reduce the energy value of food by 500 kcal.

Do not forget another important rule of proper nutrition - any carbohydrates should be consumed in the morning, and protein foods - in the evening. Adhering to the simple rules of healthy eating, you will always be in excellent physical shape!

How to lose weight in a month

To date, there are a large number of ways and methods of losing weight, ranging from copyright methods to patented diets. Some of them offer to lose more than 10 kg in one month due to taking medications, others - to completely eliminate certain foods, and others - to resort to serious physical training. Without a doubt, each of the proposed options will be quite effective, but where is the guarantee that in a couple of months after losing weight, the volumes will not return to previous and higher rates.

Let's try to figure out how to lose weight in a month and start the process of restoring the correct metabolism, so that the weight not only reaches the desired indicators, but also continues to decline until its full normalization.

The first. Analyze the ratio of your real weight to the desired result. If you do not plan to cause irreparable harm to your health and do not want to recover by several tens of kilograms, the indicator of monthly weight loss should not exceed 5-6 percent. That is, with a weight of 100 kg, the optimal figure is 5-6 kg, and with a weight of 52 kg - 2.5 kg. Ignore this rule is not worth it. In the case of an emergency weight loss, the body will work at the limit of its capabilities and, if the normal mode is restored, it will severely regain for every lost gram.

The second. Pay attention to your diet. If you eat once or twice a day, even with a decrease in the number of calories a healthy weight loss does not threaten you. Consider switching to five to six meals a day. Due to frequent meals you will not feel hunger, therefore, reduce the amount of food consumed and, of course, begin to lose weight.

Third. Review your diet. Include more protein foods, vegetables and fruits. Do not forget about fats and carbohydrates. Their excessive amount can lead to obesity, and the lack of incorrect functioning of the metabolic system, and in the first, and in the second case, the processes of weight loss can significantly slow down or stop. Keep in mind that for weight loss, it is desirable to adhere to the following rules of the menu: the total daily caloric intake should not exceed 1200-1300 calories, the distribution of proteins, fats and carbohydrates should be built in the ratio of 35:15:50. It is recommended to exclude as much as possible from your diet baked flour products, carbonated sugary drinks and chemical sweets, the necessary amount of carbohydrates can be obtained from fruits, honey and dried fruits.

The transition to proper fractional nutrition will help to part with extra pounds painlessly and evenly in the first month, maintaining the balance of all the substances necessary for the body. You do not have to sit on a strict diet and suffer from feelings of hunger. The main thing is to approach the design and development of your daily menu. For example, curd-chocolate cream with oat pancakes for breakfast will perfectly charge you with vigor and excellent mood, chicken fillet with blue cheese sauce and rice will easily replace burger or shawarma during lunchtime, and pizza pesto during the evening meal will allow not only delicious dinner , but also calmly fall asleep without feeling hungry.

Prepare in foil: 5 great recipes for all occasions

Having consumed a roll of food foil, any bachelor can cook a perfect dinner for himself: tasty, fast and healthy. And even the pan does not have to be washed.

Foil Recipes

As you know, in the women's hostel wash dishes after a meal, and in the men's - before. Because we do not like all this fuss in the kitchen sink (and how to love it?). And the foil almost frees you from contact with kitchen utensils. I put all the ingredients on a thin aluminum sheet, wrapped it, put it in the oven - that's all science. If desired, you can do without plates. Here, check out the menu.
  • 1. Salmon with zucchini

What do you need

(for 2 servings)

  • 2 strips of any salmon fish fillet (salmon, trout, pink salmon) 200 g each
  • 3-4 tbsp. l olive oil
  • 1 tsp. ground coriander
  • 1 tsp. ground white pepper
  • Peel 1 lemon, grate grated
  • 2 zucchini
  • Sauce to taste (suitable Chinese sweet and sour, or soy, or ordinary adjika)
  • Salt

What to do

1. Natri fillet with spices, lemon zest and tossed with olive oil. Leave for 10 minutes to marinate - so the dish will be fragrant.

2. Spread the pieces of sauce and lay each on a separate sheet of foil.

3. Slice the zucchini thin, half a centimeter, in circles, slightly salted and put in 2-3 layers on each piece of fish.

4. It is time to wrap the fish in foil envelopes. How easy and right it is to do - look at the diagram further.

5. Put envelopes in the oven, preheated to 180 � C (this is a common rule for all recipes - first heat the oven and then poke it) for 15 minutes. However, you can cook on a regular pan - without adding oil. Roasting envelopes on low heat, covered with a lid, on each side for 5-6 minutes. You can even cook this fish in the microwave. It is important, however, that the oven had a convection or grill mode. Cook just like in a regular oven.

6. Eat it yourself, or share it with your girlfriend, or even stick one envelope in the oven, and one in the freezer for the future.

If you don�t have a soul for fish, you can bake a chicken in a similar way. Write it down

2. Chicken breasts in spices

What do you need:

(for 3-4 servings)

  • 1 kg of chicken breasts
  • 1 tsp. ground chilli pepper
  • 4�5 Art. l sunflower or olive oil
  • 3-4 pinch ground cloves
  • 1 tsp. ground paprika

What to do

1. Roll the breasts in spices, salt and oil, then put each in a separate envelope.

2. Bake in the oven at 180 � C for 30 minutes.

Potato pie

3. Potato pie

What do you need

  • (3-5 servings)
  • 1 kg of potatoes
  • 4�5 sprigs of fresh thyme
  • 300 g of any hard cheese
  • 35 g sunflower or olive oil
  • 1 tsp. ground cumin
  • 1 tsp. ground paprika
  • 100 g sour cream of any fat content
  • Salt

What to do

1. Peel the potatoes and cut them into thin (as far as you can) circles. Squeeze grated cheese.

2. Mix sour cream, salt, spices, thyme leaves and butter in a bowl. In this sauce, roll the potato mugs.

3. In equal portions lay out on sheets of foil (the number and size determine yourself, depending on the number of consumers) on a layer of circles overlap. Sprinkle cheese on top. Make three such layers. Pack everything tightly and wrap it in envelopes.

4. Bake in the oven at 180 � C for 30 minutes. We recommend making a separate envelope for each portion of the dish. It is more convenient to serve on the table (if there are several of you), or you can hide a part of the blanks for the future. But no one forbids you to wrap all the ingredients in foil at once, just tear off a larger sheet, or even use two sheets. Well, bake the dish will have longer.


How to roll a foil envelope

These envelopes are great stuff. They consist of three steps and free you from the mess with all kinds of bowls for baking. See how simple it is:

How to roll a foil envelope

1. Tear off the foil sheet. The size of each dish will have to be determined separately, but less than 25 cm in length (this is approximately A4 sheet), it makes no sense to make them.


How to roll a foil envelope

2. Bend the sheet in half. Sprinkle both halves with sunflower or olive oil so that food does not stick during cooking. Then put food in one half.


How to roll a foil envelope

3. Cover the dish with the second half of the sheet, twist the edges twice: first from the sides, then from the front side - and ready. The envelope should not tightly cover the dish.

4. Meat Rolls

What do you need

(4 rolls)

  • 1 kg of meat (amusing veal, beef or chicken)
  • 30 g gelatin
  • 1 tsp. ground nutmeg
  • 1 tsp. dried marjoram
  • 1 tsp. dried oregano
  • 1 head of garlic, peel
  • 2 pickled sweet peppers
  • 2 tbsp. l chopped fresh herbs (parsley, onion and dill)
  • 1 egg
  • Salt

What to do

1. Put meat with spices and garlic in a food processor or blender. To prevent your device from choking, pre-cut meat into cubes as thick as a finger. Break the egg here. Thoroughly grind everything. If you don't have kitchen appliances, just buy the stuffing and mix it with other ingredients.

2. Pour cold water into a bowl and throw the gelatin in there. Wait until he looks like a jellyfish.

3. Narvi four shirLeaves of foil and in the center of each lay out equal portions of minced meat in an even layer. It is important that you have a lot of (three fingers) free space on all sides of the sheet - so it will be easier to wrap.

4. Get gelatinous jellyfish from a bowl of water and thickly grease the meat with it. Jelly will not give the abyss juices that stand out from the meat in the process of roasting, the rolls will be juicy.

5. Cut the peppers into strips. Lay the strip in the middle of each portion.

6. Now roll the meat into tubes and wrap tightly with foil. Twist the ends of the sheets of foil in addition - the rolls should resemble large candies.

7. Cook in the oven at 180 � C for 20 minutes. When you get out of the oven, wait 5�10 minutes until it cools down a bit (it is important that the jelly froze), and you can spread it on the plate.


You can prepare these meals for yourself in the coming months. The trick is simple: having folded a foil envelope, send it not to the oven, but straight to the freezer. You can cook it later at any time. Meat rolls need to be defrosted beforehand, and as for the rest of the dishes - just hold them in the oven for 10 minutes longer than the fresh version, and a hearty, juicy lunch is ready.

"Without harm to their nutritional and taste properties, fresh products can be stored in the refrigerator freezer for up to six months," says nutritionist Yevgeny Repko.

5. Baked apples

What do you need

(for 2 servings)

  • 500 grams of green apples (for example, a variety of �granny smith�)
  • 1 tsp. ground cinnamon
  • Half a cup of sugar (however, you can do without it - it will not be so sweet, but the dessert will not turn into a stomach at night)
  • 150 g of any cookie
  • 1 lemon

What to do

1. Do not peel the apples, cut them thick, with a finger thick, slices. Put in a deep bowl.

2. Mix the apples with ground cinnamon and sugar. Squeeze lemon juice on them. Squeeze lemon crust and add to the same place.

3. Lay out what happened, in equal portions on two sheets of foil and sprinkle with chopped cookies on top. Pack in an envelope.

4. Bake in the oven at 180 � C for 20 minutes.


It is clear that a baked dish does not cause such damage to your body as fried. �And due to the fact that they are cooked in their own juice, baked in foil products retain the maximum level of nutrients,� adds nutritionist Yevgeny Repko. But look at the clock and the thermometer when you cook. Studies published in the International Journal of Electrochemical Science show that if you bake a dish at temperatures above 180 � C for 40 minutes or more, then aluminum foil is able to penetrate food, which is not at all useful. Do not cross these boundaries, and you do not have to digest the metal.

How to lose weight fast at home?

Vacation time is in full swing, so women want to look slim and attractive, especially in swimsuits. Putting the body in order in a short time can be, if you follow two basic rules:

Do aerobic sports loads 2-3 times a week for 40-60 minutes;

Go to diet food.

The last rule should be strictly observed. It is important not only to change the diet, but to choose a diet that will allow you to save the result for a long time. How to lose weight quickly at home with minimal harm to health? The answer is obvious - go to a balanced low-calorie menu. Sport, in turn, will help speed up the process of losing weight and will avoid stretch marks, making the skin more elastic.

Secrets of the right diet for fast weight loss

There are many ways to lose weight in a couple of weeks. They are mainly short-term mini-diets with strict food restrictions. Such experiments with a diet adversely affect health, and the excess weight after them returns as quickly as it left. However, there is a more benign method that will allow you not only to lose weight, but also to establish digestion, improve metabolism - this is a balanced diet. Its essence lies in the observance of three rules.

Calorie content

The most important stage on the way to a slim figure is the reduction of the daily caloric content of the menu. Depending on the degree of completeness, the energy value of dishes can vary from 1000 kcal to 1500 kcal per day. If it is difficult for you to calculate calorie content yourself, then you can try one of the Grow Food nutrition lines. The range includes four programs for losing weight and keeping your body in shape. The menu of each of them is thought out to the smallest details and complies with all the rules of a healthy diet. Having tried to eat according to such a program, you will understand that a diet can be not just tasty, but useful!

BJU - the basis of a healthy diet

The second principle of nutrition for weight loss - the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates (BJU). If you intend to lose weight, then your menu should contain:

About 45% of plant and animal proteins are poultry, lean beef, mushrooms, chickpeas, beans, soybeans and other legumes;
Up to 35% of complex carbohydrates - cereals, vegetables, fruits, greens;
Not less than 20% of unsaturated fats - vegetable oils, fish, various seafood, dairy products with a low percentage of fat, nuts and seeds.
Instead of sugar (simple carbohydrates), you can use a sugar substitute or sweet fruit. Animal fat during weight loss is not recommended, as they increase the level of "bad" cholesterol and slow down the process of burning fat. But most importantly - your menu should be varied.

Mode and fragmentation

It is important when eating weight to eat fractional, that is, in small portions of 150-300 g about five times a day - two breakfasts, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner. The time interval between meals should be no more than 4 hours. The first breakfast and lunch should be the most satisfying, since it is at this time that the activity of the digestive system and the organism as a whole is at its peak. Dinner is recommended a few hours before bedtime, preferring light protein foods.

Try to eat daily at the same time, such a regime will allow the body to better digest food. In addition, you can quickly get used to a new lifestyle, stop feeling hunger and be able to enjoy the food.

By adhering to these principles, you stop thinking about how to lose weight quickly at home, because you can independently control your weight. Eat right and enjoy the quality result of losing weight!

Mistakes of the popular diets

If you want to lose weight, then type in the search engine "diet", and not "proper nutrition." The Internet and forums teach that a slender body can be achieved only with the help of tough restrictions and a monotonous diet. But positive reviews after such diets appear only once, and then losing weight begin to gain weight. More severe nutritional restrictions and grueling training are required, and the result is getting worse.

Why is it not proper nutrition?

Previously, the word "diet" was considered a medical term and meant dietary restrictions necessary to treat certain diseases. Today, a diet is any change in diet that can be invented by an absolutely incompetent person, most often without specialized education. Be careful.

Popular diets and their harm

Let us examine several diets that have been advertised on the Web for a long time: they continue to gather thousands and hundreds of thousands of fans, only worsening the position of losing weight, increasing the percentage of fat and reducing the percentage of muscle mass.


Principle: remove all carbohydrates from the menu, eat more protein, and the weight will decrease.

Error: excess protein in the diet will lead to dysbiosis, exacerbations of gout, kidney problems, the appearance of putrefactive processes in the large intestine. Kremlevka is not balanced in vitamins and microelements, which means that hair, teeth, skin, and nails will suffer.

Bragg's fasting.

Principle: lose weight and cleanse the body, treat many diseases with the help of fasting and drinking water.

Error: medical fasting is indeed indicated in some diseases, for example, allergies and purulent inflammations, but it is not possible to achieve general recovery and weight loss in this way.

If you do not eat, the body will find, than close the lack of trace elements. Weight really goes down, not at the expense of fat loss, but due to the breakdown of muscle tissue, because it is easier to decompose it into the necessary substances. And after fasting, the body will begin to store fat, because you made it clear that at any moment bad times can come and you need to create a �safety cushion� on your stomach or thighs.

Girl on a diet

Severe restrictions in nutrition will not lead to weight loss, the body will begin to store fat in case of another hunger strike

Separate meals on Shelton.

Principle: you need to eat carbohydrates and proteins separately. According to the author of the diet, they are digested in different parts of the digestive tract and some of the products rot inside the person if they are mixed.

Error: rotting in the stomach is impossible, because there is a high content of hydrochloric acid. In addition, there are no products consisting only of carbohydrates or only proteins. Even in vegetables that are promoted by Shelton's followers, there are carbohydrates and vegetable protein.

The main problem of this diet is that the body produces different enzymes for the digestion of proteins or carbohydrates. Separate food gives non-uniform load on the digestive system; Over time, it begins to produce less of the necessary enzymes, and ordinary foods will become poorly digested. The person who chose the Shelton diet will be forced to sit on it for the rest of his life or correct the problem medically.

Fat-free diet.

Principle: remove all fat and lose weight quickly.

Error: the logic of the creators of this diet is understandable, but human physiology is such that his body needs and proteins, and fats, and carbohydrates. Cross out all fat from the diet, and there will be disruptions in the body, the amount of sex hormones will decrease, depression will come, and early menopause is possible for women.

Low-calorie diets are also dangerous. They can lead to problems with the heart and other internal organs, headaches, weight gain in the future. Even if you have a sedentary job and have no physical activity at all, do not fall below the 1000 calories / day level.

Now you see that any unbalanced diet will not lead to weight loss, but to deterioration of health and problems more than excess weight. What to do? Use a method that has worked for centuries and continues to operate now.

How to lose weight without dieting?

A little more physical activity, lack of calories and a balanced diet - a pledge not only a beautiful figure, but also health, fresh appearance and a surge of strength throughout the day.

Proper nutrition from Grow Food

The diet of Grow Food is balanced, completely covers the body�s needs for trace elements and vitamins, helps to lose weight safely

It is quite difficult to immediately learn how to cook tasty and diverse, stacking in the right ratio of BJU. This can help the delivery of proper and healthy food. Grow Food has already created 5 lines of different calories, suitable for people with any purpose, weight and level of physical activity.

You do not need to think what to eat, how to make the dish tastier, and the diet more interesting. Our cooks, nutritionists, brand managers have already done it for you, and delivery from Grow Food will be free to any point of the city.

Aztec Fruits: Why Avocados Are Considered a Source of Health and Beauty

Fans of a healthy lifestyle love this healthy fruit, and vegetarians consider it an integral part of their cuisine. And this is not surprising - besides the fact that the avocado tastes good, it brings great health benefits.

Avocado fruits do not contain any harmful fats or sugar - only vitamins, trace elements and minerals. It is difficult to find another fruit that would have such a huge amount of useful properties, like avocado. It is widely used in gastronomy, medicine, cosmetology and even in the perfume industry - for example, in Latin American countries avocados are considered to be a powerful aphrodisiac that has a stimulating effect. But most people around the world know the fruits of this evergreen tree primarily as a tasty and nutritious product. Why, then, has this fruit gained such wide recognition, and what effect does it have on the human body?

Reduces the likelihood of cancer

Avocados contain ingredients that help significantly reduce your chances of cancer - these are phytochemicals, phenols and xanthophyll. This amazing property of oily green fruit alone deserves to include avocado in its daily diet.

Cardiovascular Benefit

Studies have shown that avocados are really good for the health of your heart. There are absolutely no bad fats in this fruit, but there are a lot of useful ones that contribute to the normalization of the cardiovascular system. Thanks to the potassium contained in the avocado, the arrhythmia is reduced, and the heart begins to work properly, and oleic acid prevents the formation of cholesterol. Moreover, as part of this fruit is copper, which helps to avoid anemia (anemia), and vitamin B is an important element involved in the creation of new red blood cells.

Healthy skin and eyes

Lutein and zeaxanthin are two ingredients found in avocados that enhance eye health and prevent visual impairment. Also, the fruit has a positive effect on the skin - thanks to all the same lutein, which is able to reduce the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays, protect against the negative effects of the environment and normalize the sebaceous glands. Another element that this product is rich in - vitamin E - prevents premature aging of the skin. Thus, avocado can be called a fruit of beauty and youth.

Easier to lose weight

Yet one of the main reasons why avocado popularity is growing is that many people are beginning to understand how useful it is for weight loss. These small green fruits contain fiber - and soluble fiber is known to slow down the breakdown of carbohydrates in the body. As a result, you feel full longer and do not feel the need for harmful snacks during the day.

However, avocados should be eaten in moderation: its caloric content is on average from 150 to 220 calories per 100 grams of product. If your weight is normal, nutritionists advise eating one fruit per day - this is quite enough for your body to replenish energy reserves and feel the beneficial effect of this product on all organs and systems.

What to cook avocado?

Eating this fruit should not be boring - therefore, if you have several fruits on hand, then you can cook a lot of interesting and tasty dishes. For example:

Avocado peach guacamole with bacon

Slice one peach and two avocados, then mix them together. After that, you need to add a few slices of crispy bacon and carefully mix all the ingredients by hand. If desired, you can add onion, salt and pepper to your taste.

Avocado Cocktail

You will need � cup of orange juice, � cup of sliced ??avocado, � cup of low-fat yogurt, one banana and ice. To create this delicious and nutritious avocado smoothie, simply mix all the ingredients together in a food processor until it reaches the desired consistency.

Secrets of making sour cream pie

All sweet tooths like pies. And if such a dessert is cooked on sour cream, then it will be airy and tasty. Learn a few simple recipes that even an aspiring hostess can handle.

How can sour cream cake be made?

How to cook a tasty and simple sour cream cake? We offer several options.

Option One

This cake with sour cream is very easy to make. You will need:

  • 230 g of sugar;
  • two eggs;
  • a glass of flour;
  • 270 ml of sour cream;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • one tsp baking soda or baking powder;
  • a little butter;
  • some icing sugar.

Process description:

  1. First, you need to beat the eggs with sugar to leave almost white air foam.
  2. Pour sour cream into egg composition, put salt and soda (you can extinguish it beforehand, but this is not necessary, as fermented milk bacteria will start the reaction anyway). Stir everything up.
  3. Introduce flour, beat the dough with a blender. The consistency of it will resemble not very thick sour cream, and if you beat it very well, the cake will turn out to be airy.
  4. Prepare the form (preferably detachable), grease its walls and bottom with soft oil. Pour the dough.
  5. Bake the cake in the oven at one hundred and seventy degrees 40 minutes to make it rosy. Willingness is checked with a match and a toothpick, which must remain completely dry after immersion in the center.
  6. Tip: if such a cake is cooked with fat sour cream, it will be more tender.

Option Two

It will become a terrific dessert and practically replace the cake with cherry and sour cream pie. To make it you need:

For the test:

  • half a cup of granulated sugar;
  • two incomplete glasses of flour;
  • 140 g butter;
  • a pair of eggs;
  • hl soda (suitable baking powder);
  • one bag of vanillin.

For sour cream filling:

  • egg;
  • 450-500 ml of sour cream (optimal percentage of fat content - 20%);
  • two-thirds cup of sugar;
  • two art. l flour or starch;
  • on request a little orange zest for taste.

For the filling:


  1. First you need to make shortbread dough. The oil should be softened, leaving it for an hour or two in a fairly warm room or in a few hours removing it from the refrigerator. Melt it is not necessary. Whip butter with sugar so that the latter is completely dissolved. Add egg, vanillin and baking powder or soda quenched with lemon juice. Finally, add flour and knead the dough with your hands so that it becomes elastic and stops sticking. If necessary, add more flour. Send the dough to the refrigerator for half an hour to make it easier to work with it.
  2. Take care of the filling: wash the cherries, remove the bones. If it is frozen, defrosting is required.
  3. Prepare a tender sour cream, which will resemble a cream. It's simple: Combine sour cream with egg, flour, sugar, zest. Stir everything gently, but do not whisk so that the mass does not become too liquid.
  4. Prepare a form, grease. Remove the dough from the refrigerator, roll it into a layer and put it into a mold, spreading it along the bottom and filling out fairly high sides.
  5. Spread the cherries on an even layer on the base, and then pour the berries with the finished pouring.
  6. The cake will be baked at 180 degrees for about an hour. It will be completely ready when the middle one hardens and becomes elastic.

Option Three

With homemade sour cream, you can cook the famous bright cake "Zebra". To do this, prepare:

  • a glass of homemade sour cream;
  • two large or 3 medium-sized eggs;
  • a half cup flour;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • 70 g of oil;
  • 3 tbsp. l cocoa;
  • vanillin;
  • incomplete teaspoon of soda.


  1. The first step will be beating eggs with sugar until a foam is obtained.
  2. Put soda in sour cream, leave it for a while so that it is extinguished by lactic acid bacteria.
  3. Oil soften or melt, enter it into sour cream, and then add egg mass. Add flour, kneading dough mixer.
  4. Now, the resulting loose dough should be divided into two parts: add cocoa to some of them and whisk the mixture to make it turn brownish.
  5. Take the form, lubricate its bottom and walls. And start shaping the cake. To do this, alternately in two tablespoons pour light dough and dark.
  6. Carefully transfer the mold to the oven so that the layers do not mix. Bake a pie at one hundred and eighty degrees forty minutes.

Fourth option

You can make sour cream pie with apples. You need:

  • a pair of glasses of flour;
  • a glass of sour cream;
  • egg;
  • 240 g sugar;
  • 140 g butter;
  • five apples;
  • a third teaspoon of cinnamon;
  • half tsp baking powder (soda is fine).


  1. Butter should be whipped with half the total sugar. It should be soft, so get it in advance from the refrigerator. Next, add half a glass of sour cream and soda (you do not need to extinguish it, because it uses a fermented milk product). Then enter the pre-sifted flour. Knead the dough, which should come out quite soft.
  2. Round shape should be lubricated with a small amount of oil. Lay the dough, spreading it along the bottom and filling out the sides.
  3. Peel the apples, cut out the cores. Cut the fruit into slices and spread them on the dough, sprinkle cinnamon on top.
  4. Fill by combining the remaining sugar and sour cream, as well as the egg. Pour apples over this mixture.
  5. Bake the cake in the oven at 170 degrees for about forty minutes.
  6. If desired, sprinkle dessert with powdered sugar on top.

Option Five

This recipe for sour cream pie with lemon is not less than growth than everyone else. Prepare:

  • two glasses of flour;
  • 250 ml of sour cream;
  • 90 g of oil;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • three eggs;
  • hl soda;
  • lemon.

Process description:

  1. For starters, get some lemon. With it you need to remove the zest, not touching the white part of the skin, which can bitter. You will need about three tablespoons, set aside this amount. Juice squeeze, it will be required in full.
  2. Combine all the dry ingredients, mix, and even better sift: this will give the cake pomp and delicate texture.
  3. Now add sour cream and knead the dough. Also, enter and soft butter (to make it so, it must be removed from the refrigerator). Beat the eggs and continue mixing. You have a homogeneous mass, in which you need to enter lemon zest and juice. Re-stir everything.
  4. Prepare a baking sheet or pan, grease with oil, and if desired, sprinkle some flour or semolina to make a crisp.
  5. Spread the dough, level it and send it to the oven for about half an hour at one hundred and eighty degrees. The surface must acquire a ruddy.
  6. Fragrant and airy cake is ready!
  7. Now you can make a lot of delicious sour cream pies. Pamper yourself and your family!


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